Before you sign up for an account on be2, you first need to disclose your gender and sexual preference. If you are gay, you can pick the same gender. Then, you need to provide your email address for your account verification and billing purposes. Nominate a username after.
Once your username has been approved, you will be asked to answer a personality test. The personality test involves questions about your character, perception of different things, and the personality of your ideal match. These questions are mostly answered by choosing whether you are “more this or that” through a numbered scale of 1-5. Once you have completed the personality test, be2 will calculate your results, which will be the basis for your match recommendations.
The sign-up process does not end there. Afterwards, you need to impart on the dating site some of your personal information. These include your name, birthday, location, profession, education, income (undisclosed to other members), religion, habits, and some details about your personality and appearance. All fields are required to be filled out.
Once you get the signal to proceed, be2 will ask you to upload a profile picture. You have the option to blur out your profile picture so that it only shows to premium members or some users you choose to show it to. Uploading a profile picture is not required, but highly recommended.