AsiaXpat Signup
Asiaxpat Website Design
Asiaxpat Ads

Our Review

AsiaXPAT is "the number one website for professionals and executives in Hong Kong". However, a considerable number of visitors come from the United States. With over 3.2 million monthly pageviews, it serves as a classified and property listings site, a business directory, a forum, and a personals website. Unlike more popular classified ads websites, AsiaXPAT has a Personals section dedicated not just to dating, but also friendships, gatherings, activity partners, and even play dates for children.

New members at AsiaXPAT in July 2024 in comparison

Here you can see how membership figures at AsiaXPAT are developing compared to others

AsiaXPAT Members

50,000 from Hong Kong
Members activity
10,000 active weekly
Gender Proportion
49 %
51 %
  • Majority of members are between 35 to 44 years old
  • Distribution of male and female members are evenly divided in half
  • 56% of members are married
  • 70% have a University degree
  • 7.3% come from North America while 16.8% come from Europe

Majority of the members are between the 35 - 44 age range, closely followed by 25 to 34 year olds, and then the 45 to 54 year olds. Women make up 49.6% of the member population while men make up 50.4%. All in all, it is a great and even distribution of genders within the website. Most of the members have a university degree, many of them have a postgraduate degree, while some graduated "below university". Only 34.2% of the members are single, which isn't a good figure when you're posting an ad for dating. 


AsiaXPAT Age Range and Age Distribution

  • 18-24
  • 25-34
  • 35-44
  • 45-54
  • 55+

How to Sign Up for AsiaXPAT

AsiaXpat Signup
  • You must be at least 18 years old to sign up
  • You can sign up using your username and password
  • You must sign up to browse AsiaXPAT

To sign up, visit the AsiaXPAT website. To complete the registration, provide all required information.

Required Information on Signup
  • Username
  • Name
  • Your Relationship Status
  • Your Gender
  • Your Occupation

AsiaXPAT offers the following methods to verify your account:

  • Verification email (required)

Making Contact on AsiaXPAT

Asiaxpat Website Design
  • Structured as a classifieds website
  • Elements are well-organised throughout the page
  • Minimal design and colours, pleasing to the eyes
  • Basic fonts are used, and there are very few extra features
  • Full of paid ads all around the site in different forms

The website is, obviously, structured as a classified ads website. Ads are present in different forms and in full force. There are banner ads, image ads, text ads, pop-up ads, ads on the top, bottom, right, and left of the page, and more. Although this is to be expected for this type of website, it can still be difficult to navigate to the Personals section. In addition, the design of each ad is very simplistic. This is a double-edged sword. Some people could see this as an advantage because of how straightforward it looks - there's no way you can go wrong here.

For others, it could be a turn off. You'll have to read through each ad before determining which one is worth your time, and, no matter how much AsiaXPAT promises otherwise, there are still a number of ads which are grammatically incorrect and have misspelled words. Though a lot of good things can be said about the layout and colours, this website isn't really conducive for dating.

AsiaXPAT Profile Quality

Asiaxpat Ads
  • Ads can be Classifieds, Personals, Properties, or Directory
  • Dating ads fall under Personals
  • Responding to a listing requires payment
  • Your ad can run for 3 months or 12 months
  • Most of the Personals ads are people looking for companionship

    Once you've created your account, you are redirected to a dashboard where your posted ads are organized. The 4 types of ads you can list are: Classifieds, Personals, Properties, and Directory. For this review, we will be focusing on the Personals ads. Under the Personals tab in the website, there are different types of ads:

    • Women Wanting Women
    • Language Exchange
    • Gatherings
    • Women Wanting Men
    • Travel Friends
    • Men Wanting Men
    • Just Friends
    • Activity Partners/Teams
    • Men Wanting Women

    The "Women Wanting Men" and "Men Wanting Women" sections have the most ads. However, that isn't saying much, since there is only an average of one new listing per day. AsiaXPAT still screens ads before they are published. Some of the less obvious no-nos are explicit ads, ones that have poor punctuation, spelling, and capitalisation, and any sort of commercial ads. You can reply to any of the datings ads available, but you have to be a paying member of the website.

    AsiaXPAT Costs and Prices

    Free Features
    • Posting ads
    Premium Features
    • Responding to personal ads

    Is AsiaXPAT expensive or cheap?

    In comparison to other providers AsiaXPAT is average.

    Duration / Credits / CoinsCostsTotal
    Personals Membership
    1 Month188.00 HKD / Month188.00 HKD
    12 Months40.67 HKD / Month488.00 HKD
    Asiaxpat Premium
    Payment Options
    • Credit Card

    Browsing through the entire website is available for free. To be able to post and reply to an ad, you have to create an AsiaXPAT account. You can post ads anywhere for free, but responding to the posted ads will cost you 24 US Dollars per month, or 62 US Dollars for the whole year. Reading through the ads, you will realise that users have found a way to skip payment entirely - by replying to an ad with another ad. The title is usually a copy of the original ad with an added " - Response!" at the end. However, the effectivity seems dubious because there is no known way where the original poster will be notified by the reply post.

    Special Features

    Our rating

    Signing Up: 3.0 / 5
    Making Contact: 2.0 / 5
    Profile Quality: 2.0 / 5

    Editor's Conclusion Author Chris Pleines
    Chris Pleines
    Founder of Datingscout and Author of the book "Online Dating for Dummies"
    Even though it boasts a huge amount of visitors and page views, AsiaXPAT is not a good website for dating. Notwithstanding the overwhelming website design, there are no features which encourage dating. As a user, you will only see one bare ad with a title. You can't see a profile photo (or even the username) of the person who posted the ad - which brings us to our next point. There are no security measures put in place to ensure that the people posting aren't serial killers or what have you. As an internet user, it is up to you entirely to make sure that you are safe and secure before meeting up with the other person. As a whole, AsiaXPAT is better off being used as a property and auto-listing website. The other offerings under the Personals section aren't even silver linings. Sure, there have been no apps (yet) where you can organize a play date for your children, but in Hong Kong, there are hundreds of Facebook groups that are more effective for that purpose. To find more Hong Kong singles around you, try downloading one (or more) of the apps in our Dating Apps category.

    AsiaXPAT FAQ


    How do I post an ad?

    First, you have to be a member of AsiaXPAT. Then, go to the Personals tab at the top right of the website, scroll down where you'll see "Hong Kong Personals", then click on the green button that says "Post an ad".

    How do I reply to an ad?

    You need a Personals membership to be able to reply to Personals ads. Then, go to the ad that you like, then scroll to the bottom where you'll find the "Send message" button.

    How can I delete my ad?

    Go to the Control Panel of your account. On the left side, you will see "My Ads". Click through to find the ad that you want to delete, select it, then click "delete selected" at the very bottom.

    How long before my ad is posted?

    Since ads are reviewed by AsiaXPAT, it can take somewhere between 15 to 30 minutes before the ad is published. If it is posted after 12 midnight, it will be published at 9:30am the following day.

    Why was my ad rejected?

    There are three reasons why your ad could have been rejected: you are suspected of running a business, your ad is a duplicate, or your item has already been sold.

    Why was my account blocked?

    "To protect our users from scams originating overseas, we have implemented an IP blocking filter. Anyone detected outside of Hong Kong by our system will be prohibited from using the website. i.e posting classifieds, forums posts etc."

    How do I deactivate my account?

    Go to your Control Panel. On the left side of the page, click on "My Settings". Scroll down to Account Status, choose Disabled, then submit.

    Can I reactivate my account?

    Yes. Contact AsiaXPAT at, then provide the email address and username you used to register with. 

    How do I change my username?

    You have to contact them at


    My credit card was charged but my ad was never posted. Why?

    This type of error happens when there is a connection interruption between AsiaXPAT's servers and the chosen payment provider. To fix this, you have to contact with the following information:

    1. Username
    2. Email address used when making the payment, or
    3. Credit card holder name
    4. World Pay transaction ID - this would have been sent to the email address specified during the checkout

    Why won't it accept my credit card?

    You might be experiencing some issues with your bank and AsiaXPAT suggests contacting the bank directly.


    Are there any other payment options on AsiaXPAT aside from credit card?

    Unfortunately, the site only accepts credit card as mode of payment.

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    Contact details

    Address:5/F Yat Fat Building, 44-46 Des Voeux Road, Central, Hong Kong SAR
    Phone-Hotline:(852) 2815 2520
    Fax:(852) 3106 0315